Bliss Massage by Heidi Wahlgren LLC
Welcome to a great massage.


Welcome to a great massage!

My name is Heidi Wahlgren and I am a Nationally Board Certified (NCBTMB) and State of Wisconsin Licensed Massage Therapist.

I have worked in the bodywork field since 2003. Therapeutic-Relaxation massage is what I am known for. This is a combination massage that treats any areas of concern you may have along with providing relaxation. I genuinely care about my clients, and that in combination with my dedication to resolving my clients' physical complaints creates a very personal and effective massage experience.

In today's world, we are more stressed than ever. Our busy lives, time spent on computers, phones, and even our hobbies have created a whole new set of physical problems for us to resolve. What can we do to ease many of these issues? Massage.

Massage Therapy is more and more accepted as an effective complimentary therapy to chiropractic and general health care. Massage can reduce stress, increase mental clarity, deepen sleep and improve the immune and digestive systems, as well as relieve or reduce chronic and activity-related muscle aches and pains.

Ready to find out what a great massage feels like?

Contact me now; call or text 920-420-7091

212 West 12th Ave. Oshkosh, WI  54902

       *street parking is available directly infront of the door


***Based on my current client load I am not able to take new clients at this time. If you have a gift certificate to use please let me know and I will get you scheduled, text me at 920-420-7091.

         I will not be selling gift certificates for the foreseeable future. 

Thank you