I am pleased to offer a quality massage at a reasonable price. It is my intention to incorporate whatever techniques are necessary to accomplish the pain relief and stress relief you require. We will discuss your needs prior to your massage to design a massage individually suited to you. I can and will adjust the pressure i am using according to your needs and preference each visit.
Over the years I have learned many different modalities some of which I practice regularly and find especially helpful are CranioSacral Therapy, Graston Technique, Gua Sha and now Cupping. These modalities can easily be incorporated into your custom session.
New modality: Cupping
Cupping can be added to any session or done as a stand alone treatment.
"Cupping Therapy is a form of alternative therapy that has been around for centuries and involves the application of specialized cups to areas of the body in order to stimulate healing. Cupping works by creating suction on an area of skin. This generates the action of tissue decompression that promotes relaxation and healing. Cupping therapy provides many positive health benefits by releasing a myriad of pain-causing factors, making it an excellent addition to any healthcare routine.
In the Western countries Cupping has fast become one of the hottest holistic healing treatments due to its ability to reduce muscular tension and inflammation, increase blood and lymphatic flow locally and systematically, draw out stagnant blood and lymph, dead cellar debris, pathogenic factors and toxins, stimulate the body’s circulatory and immune system functions. Cupping doesn’t just feel amazing; it can also help with chronic pain, myofascia release, digestive issues, fatigue, sciatica and fibromyalgia, as well as mental health issues such as anxiety and depression." source; International Cupping Therapy Association
***If you require and desire a deep tissue massage for your entire session there will be an additional $20.00 fee, keep in mind deep tissue work can cause bruising and may not be recommended based on your health condition.
(A 60 minute massage at my studio means 60 minutes of actual massage.)
Payment is accepted in cash, check, or credit/debit card at time of service. Therapeutic massage is covered under many HSA/YSA plans. Check your individual plan to see if it is covered. There will be a $35.00 fee for returned checks.
I will not be selling gift certificates for the foreseeable future.
Please see Hours and Scheduling tab for studio policies.
Service/Product | Rate | |
Therapeutic Massage | $55 | / 30 minutes |
Therapeutic Massage | $70 | / 45 minutes |
Therapeutic Massage | $90 | / 60 minutes |
Therapeutic Massage | $130 | / 90 minutes |
Therapeutic Massage | $170 | / 120 minutes |